spend $200 and get 3 or … if you don’t spend exactly $200 you can choose these options. Next to each box is what you will get in test blends. (example :Umbagog will get 1 test blend, stillwell gets 3… if you spend $200 in total you will get 3 mixing product)
Unicorn - 1
umbagog - 1
bronzeback - 1
triqui .764 - 2
mi querida.764 “gran buffalo” - 2
polpetta - 2
#gfy “lancero” - 2
papa saka - 2
saka khan - 2
nacatamale- 2
exclusivo - 2
bewitched - 2
unstolen valor - 2
krakatoa - 2
Red meat lovers - 2
solita rob / brûlée robusto - 2
solita toro / brûlée toro - 2
solita en cedros - 3
brûlée double corona - 3
brûlée muy gordo - 3
brûlée wagashi - 3
brûlée blue - 3
sin compromiso - 3
stillwell star - 3
mi querida (20 count) - 3
triqui traca (20 count) - 3
papa saka set - 3
saka kahn set - 3
paladin de saka - 4
DTT cutters sets - 10
unicorn 7 count box of- 13

Mi Querida "My Mistress" Ancho Corto

Mi Querida "My Mistress" Ancho Largo