Plasencia cigars has a rich heritage, generation after generation producing premium quality cigars using aged tobacco from Nicaragua. Plasencia cigars now features collections of unique flavor profiles, bold in flavor, with intense stimulation and balance.
For over 5 generations and 150 years of cigar making, the Plasencia family has become one of the most recognizable cigar makers and tobacco growers in the world. This company got its start in Cuba in 1865, survived the exodus in 1963, turmoil in Nicaragua in the 1970s, and continues to produce some of the finest tobaccos on the market. Not only does this family grow great tobacco, but they have launched their own brands which have been created by Nestor Andres, Gustavo, and Jose Luis Plasencia.
You may have heard of some of the legendary collaborations on the market rolled with Plasencia tobaccos. Over 30 different brands trust the family’s operation to produce their premium handmades. In addition to these collaborations, the family has introduced their own brands to the market under the Plasencia name. An example of their masterful blending is the Plasencia 1865 Alma Fuerte, which earned a 93-rating and was #9 Cigar of the Year in 2017. There’s no point to keep telling you how great Plasencia’s creations are since their tobaccos are used by some of the biggest names in the cigar world. You’ll just have to try some for yourself.